Coughing blood that is experienced by a person has a medical name hemoptysis. The blood thatarise on its own cough is a symptom of a serious illness that needs to be controlled and usually involves the lungs.
Mixed blood in sputum or blood coming out along with the cough needs to be measured fromthe level and frequency of occurrence to be aware of the possibility of a more serious disease. The more the amount of blood being spewed out and the more often the blood that came out when coughing, the more likely you are to need special care to treat your condition.
In addition to the frequency of occurrence of coughing blood and the amount of blood ejected, detection of the disease can also be seen from the color of the blood that is spewed out. The colors of the blood that can out along with the cough include a bright red color, the color pink,mixed with foam up to mixed with mucus. On the conditions of hemoptysis, blood coming out of his own must have come from the respiratory tract that is connected to the lungs.
Aside from the lungs, the blood can also be sourced from other organs, like the stomach. Bloodissued will resemble blood emerging from the condition of hemoptysis though not entirelysimilar.
To be able to find out what causes the appearance of blood in cough, required further examination to the doctor. The doctor will help determine the source of the blood and diseasethat may occur. The treatment will be directly focused to treat the inside of the body that are problematic and becomes the source of discharge of blood.
Usually, the main cause of the onset of coughing blood is a condition of bronchitis orbronchiectasis. In addition, other causes of coughing blood that may occur include:
- The existence condition of emphysema, a condition in which the air bags slowly damaged anddestroyed, making breathing more difficult.
- Diseases of COPD, a series of lung disease that clog the respiratory tract. As a result, regularbreathing becomes difficult.
- The existence of the use of illegal drugs such as cocaine.
- Cystic fibrosis condition, i.e. the occurrence of abnormalities in the cells of the mucous-producingas well as digestive juices, which makes it a very thick and concentrated. These conditionsincluding disease conditions of the derivative.
- The occurrence of parasitic infections.
- The existence of the abscesses that form on the lungs.
- The existence condition of lung cancer.
- The presence of mitral valve stenosis, a condition the mitral valve the valve is narrowed.
- The chest that are experiencing trauma.
- The presence of foreign bodies that get into the body systems the existence condition ofpneumonia in the lung.
- The existence condition of pulmonary embolism, a blockage in one or more arteries that are in the heart
- The existence condition of Wegener's's granulomatosis, a disorder that causes swelling of theblood vessels
- The existence condition of tuberculosis
Contact your doctor immediately if you experience coughing blood, in terms of a little or a lot.Note also the frequency of occurence of coughing blood and the color of the blood that is ejected, so handling this condition can progress more effectively.
Source : Meetdoctor
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